VIP Rewards

Unlock exclusive savings as a VIP rewards member on every purchase. Gain access to exclusive discounts and savings as a valued VIP rewards member


How it Works

Create an account

Receive 50 points for signing up

Start earning

Earn points every time you shop

Redeem points

Apply points for discounts at checkout

Frequently asked questions

How do I join?

Click the Sign-Up button at the top of the page to get started. You will then be prompted to log in to your Crystal Envisions Nz account or create an account.

How can I earn points?

You earn 1 point for every $1 you spend on qualified purchases, minus discounts, returns, taxes, and fees. You can also earn points by completing tasks described on the Crystal Envisions Nz rewards home page. There is no limit to how many points you can earn - just make sure you’re logged in to your account at checkout.

How do I redeem points?

To redeem points for savings off your order, you can redeem at checkout.

100 Points = $10 off coupon

200 Points = $20 off coupon

450 Points = $50 off coupon

What can points be redeemed for?

For discounts on your purchases. The savings you can receive are listed above in redeem points for savings at checkout.